Krakow candidate Marta Patena challenges deployment of 5G as untested and unsafe

Marta Patena first came to international attention when she attended a meeting five years ago in Brussels representing the City of Krakow. The meeting was convened by Member of the European Parliament Michèle Rivasi to address concerns about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation.  On returning to Kakow, year on year, Patena has conducted the Krakow …

Proposed reforms to permitted development rights to support the deployment of 5G and extend mobile coverage

Published 27 August 2019From:Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government and Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Applies to:England Summary This consultation seeks views on the principle of amending permitted development rights to support deployment of 5G and extend mobile coverage. This consultation closes at11:45pm on 4 November 2019 Consultation description This consultation seek views on …

Town’s war with 5G: Devonshire officials ‘ban’ installation of new high-speed network after campaigners demand further research into its effects on health

5G is supposed to enable the fastest speeds and most reliable connections However, campaigners in Totnes, Devon, claim it is a serious health hazard  They have persuaded officials to stop installing the high-frequency network By IZZY FERRIS FOR THE DAILY MAIL The push to roll out the latest 5G mobile technology across the country has hit a …

5G Apocalypse London Mark Steele

Hosted by Humanitad & ITNJ founder:  Sacha Stone, ‘5G Apocalypse – The London Event’ facilitated an expert panel on the 5G existential threat at the iconic Chelsea Old Town Hall in England. Weapons Expert & frontline campaigner Mark Steele was joined by leading Swiss Biohazard Research Scientist Jacques Bauer, Barrister & ITNJ Associate Justice Dr Chris Cleverly, Chief Sylvestre Gnakale …

Эпидемия будущего. Влияние 3G и Wi-fi на человеческий организм

Ученые забили тревогу, предупреждая нас о неизведанной доселе болезни, которая может стать чумой 21 века. Причем поражает она только тех, кто живет в развитых странах. Называется она электрогиперчувствительность. Симптомы тяжелые. Подробнее смотрите далее. Источник: