Cell Phone RADIATION & 5G DANGERS – An In-Depth Exploration

One professor argues that while post-millennials are physically safer than adolescents, they are more comfortable online than with real people – and are the verge of a mental breakdown. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Jerry Flynn is retired Captain in the Communications Electronics Engineering Branch from the Canadian Armed Forces. He extensively studied radio communications, including radio and antenna theory, the radio frequency spectrum, radar and telephone systems, electronic warfare, signals intelligence, and more.
Dr George Carlo tasked by the industry to report on health risks from cell phones completed a pivotal 7-year research and reported his findings to the industry but the industry didn’t like them – report by NZ John Campbell on Campbell Live.
Barrie Trower’s Paper on the bees and microwave radiation. “Will the Communications Industry be the final straw for Our Planet’s Ecosystems?” Presented at the Glastonbury Symposium, July 24th 2010
Live blood cells become sticky and clump together (rouleaux formation) when I use a computer or a mobile phone. This type of analysis may be useful for diagnosing people with electrohypersensitivity
Jake Reilly, a college student gave up his cell phone and computer for 90 days. No texting, facebook, email, twitter etc. What he learned changed his life. He writes, “Everything was so much simpler, I had relationships with people, not profiles.” “I had nothing but time on my hands.” “I was immeasurably more calm and …
Just for fun. This commercial compares the use of digital technology to paper. Even if you don’t speak french, you’ll understand what’s going on.
This video follows the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency’s advice (ARPANSA Factsheet 14 – updated June 2013) on reducing wireless radiation – and explores the implications of children using wireless devices such as iPads, at home and at school. The video includes an explanation of SAR values, a real life test of iPads …
Four moms talk about their decision to avoid wireless radiation from cell phones and wireless networks during pregnancy, and Dr. Hugh Taylor from Yale University talks about his study linking exposure to wireless radiation to neurological and behavioral problems including symptoms resembling attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).