BREAKING: Radiation Sickness Nukes 250K Cell Tower Workers According to Insurance Study

Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
San Diego – The more we rely on smart phones, the more data we want and the more antennas we need. Workers say they are getting injured working on these antennas. They say the constant push for more towers is putting them at risk. Team10 talked to a San Diego company that came up with …
Presentation of Olle Johansson about “Electromagnetic fields and their adverse effects on our health” at the presentation session of The Madrid International Scientific Declaration on Electromagnetic Fields and Health Effects, September 28, 2017, at the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid)
Natural health expert and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola is interviewed by Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof, about the dangers of microwave radiation exposure and how EMFs can severely hamper your health.
Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Martin Pall, Ph.D, on the mechanism of how electromagnetic fields harm people’s health and contribute to chronic diseases.
Dr George Carlo tasked by the industry to report on health risks from cell phones completed a pivotal 7-year research and reported his findings to the industry but the industry didn’t like them – report by NZ John Campbell on Campbell Live.
Barrie Trower’s Paper on the bees and microwave radiation. “Will the Communications Industry be the final straw for Our Planet’s Ecosystems?” Presented at the Glastonbury Symposium, July 24th 2010
Live blood cells become sticky and clump together (rouleaux formation) when I use a computer or a mobile phone. This type of analysis may be useful for diagnosing people with electrohypersensitivity
The first 10 min. are foundational information, then specific effects on humans are shown.