EMF Cell Phone Radiation Hazards

A dramatic demonstration of the radiation from cell phone towers by the residents in Sydney’s West.
A dramatic demonstration of the radiation from cell phone towers by the residents in Sydney’s West.
Dr George Carlo tasked by the industry to report on health risks from cell phones completed a pivotal 7-year research and reported his findings to the industry but the industry didn’t like them – report by NZ John Campbell on Campbell Live.
Barrie Trower’s Paper on the bees and microwave radiation. “Will the Communications Industry be the final straw for Our Planet’s Ecosystems?” Presented at the Glastonbury Symposium, July 24th 2010
Live blood cells become sticky and clump together (rouleaux formation) when I use a computer or a mobile phone. This type of analysis may be useful for diagnosing people with electrohypersensitivity
The Government insists Wi-Fi is safe, but a Panorama investigation shows that radio frequency radiation levels in some schools are up to three times the level found in the main beam of intensity from mobile phone masts. There have been no studies on the health effects of Wi-Fi equipment, but thousands on mobile phones and …
Around the world an increasing number of governments and authorities have banned or warned against the use of wifi in schools. Many experts, scientists and doctors are warning the public to take a precautionary approach. In this video we examine the facts.
The first 10 min. are foundational information, then specific effects on humans are shown.
Jake Reilly, a college student gave up his cell phone and computer for 90 days. No texting, facebook, email, twitter etc. What he learned changed his life. He writes, “Everything was so much simpler, I had relationships with people, not profiles.” “I had nothing but time on my hands.” “I was immeasurably more calm and …
Cyber security expert David Chalk weighs in on the smart grid and its outright lack of security.
Presentation with Cece Doucete about the dangers for wireless technology.