Electrical fireball in Lachine

Lachine, near Montreal Canada: A dramatic fireball moves along the power lines and knocks out power to thousands of customers. Is this possibly related to smart meters which are being installed in Lachine?
Lachine, near Montreal Canada: A dramatic fireball moves along the power lines and knocks out power to thousands of customers. Is this possibly related to smart meters which are being installed in Lachine?
Amy O’Hair investigates just how much wi-fi radiation is on a Southwest Airlines flight. She’s using a cornet meter. She finds out- its too much! (For wi-fi safety testing humans are compared to sacks of potatoes.) One solution: Ask the airlines for a device free zone on the plane, away from the routers. Alaska Airlines …
Heres a video showing how a smart meter is still using power even though the home is vacant, about to be demolished, and the wiring to the home is cut off.
Four moms talk about their decision to avoid wireless radiation from cell phones and wireless networks during pregnancy, and Dr. Hugh Taylor from Yale University talks about his study linking exposure to wireless radiation to neurological and behavioral problems including symptoms resembling attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Dr. Stephen Sinatra discusses the long trek he took to try and heal his son from a mysterious illness. Find out what they discovered and how it eventually saved his son’s life. Dr. Sinatra also discusses how the journey changed how he looks at one of the more dangerous toxins that surrounds us every day!