BREAKING: Radiation Sickness Nukes 250K Cell Tower Workers According to Insurance Study

Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
Hosted by Humanitad & ITNJ founder: Sacha Stone, ‘5G Apocalypse – The London Event’ facilitated an expert panel on the 5G existential threat at the iconic Chelsea Old Town Hall in England. Weapons Expert & frontline campaigner Mark Steele was joined by leading Swiss Biohazard Research Scientist Jacques Bauer, Barrister & ITNJ Associate Justice Dr Chris Cleverly, Chief Sylvestre Gnakale …
Ученые забили тревогу, предупреждая нас о неизведанной доселе болезни, которая может стать чумой 21 века. Причем поражает она только тех, кто живет в развитых странах. Называется она электрогиперчувствительность. Симптомы тяжелые. Подробнее смотрите далее. Источник:
Barry Trower & Mark Steele discuss 5G as a weapon and also answer the confusion relating to Bemri’s visit to Gateshead and how 5G encompasses the Sub Ghz range.
San Diego – The more we rely on smart phones, the more data we want and the more antennas we need. Workers say they are getting injured working on these antennas. They say the constant push for more towers is putting them at risk. Team10 talked to a San Diego company that came up with …
This video is a full compilation containing information regarding Artificial Intelligence, global governance, tracking systems, biometric digital ID, digital currency through the block chain, and the interconnectedness of everything to the INTERNET. This video covers how all of the aforementioned relate to the biblical Mark of the Beast being implemented in the name of “Sustainable …