Child Psychiatrist Victoria L. Dunckley MD cautions about technology effects – Expert Forum on Cell Phone and Wireless Risks – June 22, 2015

The famous Mount Rainier has prepared an environmental assessment to allow Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T to extend coverage, but some aren’t happy about it. They already paved Paradise and put up a parking lot. Now the famous site on the south slope of Mount Rainier National Park’s 14,410ft-tall volcano could be wired for cellular service. The park, which encompasses …
Compton Dundon Residents Against the Mast has been formed to stop Telefonica and Vodafone The owner of a retreat centre for people with electro-sensitivity is among the objectors to a new phone mast in a beautiful Somerset village. David Taylor runs the EarthSpirit Centre in Compton Dundon, which provides solace and holistic therapy for people …