Dear Parents and EHS Leaders, We know those in California are on a full-court press until September 1 with SB-649 to stop 5G, but we wanted to give heads up that we just got word the two Massachusetts EMF bills assigned to the Joint Committee on Education will be up for public hearing next Tuesday, September 5th at …
Josh del Sol Beaulieu is joined by Debra Greene PhD, who discusses the recent ‘smart’ meter liability action in Hawaii, and how Hawaiian Electric appears to be abandoning plans for ‘smart’ meter blanket installations — shifting to an “opt-in” instead.
Pressmeddelande från Strålskyddsstiftelsen 2017-08-22 Cancerexpert: Bevisen kan inte längre ignoreras. Mobilstrålning orsakar cancer De vetenskapliga beläggen är i dag så starka att strålning från trådlös teknik (radiofrekvent strålning) bör klassas i högsta gruppen, cancerogen för människan, enligt IARC:s klassningssystem. Ny forskning stärker de vetenskapliga beläggen så att mobilstrålning bör klassas i samma cancerkategori som dioxin, tobak, …
By Catherine J. Frompovich 5G is creating an environmental nightmare in more ways than technology addicts even can imagine! Since 5G waves don’t travel very far, innovative ‘cell towers’ of all shapes, types and sizes—including that of a refrigerator size—most likely will be ‘planted’ on a pole of some sort outside most buildings, including your home! 5G cell …
Jerry Flynn is retired Captain in the Communications Electronics Engineering Branch from the Canadian Armed Forces. He extensively studied radio communications, including radio and antenna theory, the radio frequency spectrum, radar and telephone systems, electronic warfare, signals intelligence, and more.
A dramatic demonstration of the radiation from cell phone towers by the residents in Sydney’s West.
Dr George Carlo tasked by the industry to report on health risks from cell phones completed a pivotal 7-year research and reported his findings to the industry but the industry didn’t like them – report by NZ John Campbell on Campbell Live.
Barrie Trower’s Paper on the bees and microwave radiation. “Will the Communications Industry be the final straw for Our Planet’s Ecosystems?” Presented at the Glastonbury Symposium, July 24th 2010
Live blood cells become sticky and clump together (rouleaux formation) when I use a computer or a mobile phone. This type of analysis may be useful for diagnosing people with electrohypersensitivity
The Government insists Wi-Fi is safe, but a Panorama investigation shows that radio frequency radiation levels in some schools are up to three times the level found in the main beam of intensity from mobile phone masts. There have been no studies on the health effects of Wi-Fi equipment, but thousands on mobile phones and …