Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been around since the beginning of time as we receive natural EMFs from the sun and earth itself. It wasn’t until mankind learned to generate electricity (and EMFs) that we hit technological breakthroughs like lightbulbs and radio communications. More than 100 years later, we now enjoy and have become almost completely dependent on high-performing …
By Catherine J. Frompovich Well, for starters, how come birds don’t land, nor perch, on tops of microwave, cell, mast and GWEN towers? What do birds know and are ‘telling’ us by their actions, which we are not paying attention to, especially since birds, reptiles, and insects use Earth’s magnetic field for navigation? Some think birds have …
Click here to view the study: Mobile phone use and the risk of headache. Jing Wang, Hui Su, Wei Xie, Shengyuan Yu
Click to open PDF document: Nov 13 2017 Joe Esposito OCCAEP-PSO Nov 15 2017 Margie Alfonso OCCONG
A mother who believes her 15-year-old daughter took her own life because she was ‘allergic to Wi-Fi’ has called on the Government to ban wireless devices in schools. Jennifer Fry was found hanged in a woodland near her home in Chadlington, Oxfordshire, during June 2015. The teenager was still wearing her school uniform when she …
Longtime World Health Organization advisor updates opinion linking wireless exposures to cancer based on new scientific evidence. Teton Village, WY — (SBWIRE) — 08/16/2017 — An expert cancer researcher and advisor to the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO/IARC) has issued his scientific opinion that radiofrequency (RF) radiation from any source – …
Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a psychological disorder as previously thought, researchers claim after finding evidence that the condition is caused by changes in brain chemistry. Controversy has raged for nearly 30 years on whether the debilitating condition that causes pain, physical and mental fatigue and cognitive dysfunction was a genuine illness as critics speculated …
Publié le 6 juillet 2016 par Anna Cohen Chaque nuit, les opérateurs de téléphonie mobile doivent resynchroniser les horloges très précises de leurs antennes émettrices. Les téléphones eux-mêmes se synchronisent et échangent régulièrement des données automatiquement et à votre insu. Par exemple dans le cas du réseau 2G, en l’absence d’appels, le réseau interroge l’appareil toutes les trois ou …
First published in French on 6th July 2016 by Anna Cohen Every night mobile telephone operators have to resynchronize their mast clocks very precisely for the system to work, and the phones themselves have to synchronize their clocks regularly (every three or four hours in the 2G network). This induces very high transmission peaks which …
Hej skolministeriet! Jag lyssnade till ert program om mobiler i skolan och blev mycket konfunderad! Hur är det möjligt att göra ett program om det är bra eller dåligt att eleverna får ha mobiler eller inte på lektionerna, och inte ens nämna det faktum att den trådlösa tekniken är en mycket stor hälsorisk? Har ni …