BREAKING: Radiation Sickness Nukes 250K Cell Tower Workers According to Insurance Study

Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
Insurance companies report 250K workers are cooked by an open microwave every year according to mainstream news reports…
Ученые забили тревогу, предупреждая нас о неизведанной доселе болезни, которая может стать чумой 21 века. Причем поражает она только тех, кто живет в развитых странах. Называется она электрогиперчувствительность. Симптомы тяжелые. Подробнее смотрите далее. Источник:
San Diego – The more we rely on smart phones, the more data we want and the more antennas we need. Workers say they are getting injured working on these antennas. They say the constant push for more towers is putting them at risk. Team10 talked to a San Diego company that came up with …
A dramatic demonstration of the radiation from cell phone towers by the residents in Sydney’s West.
Commonwealth Club 11-18-10. Panel I – Eileen O’Connor, Director, Radiation Research Trust (U.K.). Leading U.K. campaigner and breast cancer survivor describes the source of her motivation as an activist: discovering she had breast cancer, finding a cancer cluster and an unusual concentration of other diseases in her neighborhood, realizing she was living 100 meters from …